10%* free with code WELCOME10 for your very first order
*cannot be combined with any other promotional code or current offer*For purchases over €100 (incl. VAT), cannot be combined with other promotional codes.

Identification of the editor of the online store

Company:Grands Bourgognes
Phone:+33 (0)3 80 79 29 90
E-mail address:info@grandsbourgognes.com
Individual VAT identification number :FR29421428566
Director of the publication, legal responsible:Lionnel PETITCOLAS
Credits:Business Web Agence

Creation of the online store & Hosting

By choosing to access the online store, the user expressly and irrevocably accepts the following terms and agrees to comply with these terms of use.

Company:Business Web Agence
Web address:https://www.business-web-agence.com/
Address:Le Vénétie - Bâtiment A
13 rue Marguerite Yourcenar
21000 Dijon
Phone:09 72 422 422
Fax :
E-mail address:contact@bwagence.fr
Registered with the RCS under SIREN :492 745 708
SIRET :492 745 708 00023
APE code :6311Z
Capital Social :100 000€
Individual VAT identification number :FR 10 492 745 708
Leaders :M Ezechiel et M Nathanael MERITE

Copyrights - Copyright

The whole of this online store is subject to the French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound as well as all works integrated in the online store are the property of Grands Bourgognes or of third parties having authorized Grands Bourgognes to use them. The logos, icons and graphic chips represented on the site are protected by copyright and by articles L.511.1 and following of the Code of intellectual property relating to the protection of registered designs. All reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. The brands mentioned on this site are registered by the companies that own them. No element composing the site can be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, loaded, denatured, transmitted or distributed in any way, under any support, partially or entirely, without the written and preliminary authorization of the Grands Bourgognes company, except for a strict use for personal, private and non-commercial use, without modification of the elements present on the site. This excludes any use for advertising and/or commercial purposes, and/or information and/or that they are in conformity with the provisions of the article L.122-5 of the Code of the intellectual property. The following mention must appear on any authorized copy of all or part of the contents of the site " ©Copyright Grands Bourgognes. The photographs appearing on the site are not contractual". Any non-expressly authorized use of all or part of these rights by third parties would constitute an infringement of the rights of Grands Bourgognes, punishable by articles L. 355-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, and is likely to lead to legal proceedings.

Content of the site

The information which appears on http://www.grandsbourgognes.com/ is provided as general information. The information and illustrations are not contractual and do not engage the responsibility of the company Grands Bourgognes towards the reader for the consequences of the use that he could make of them for himself or for the account or for third parties. They cannot be used to contradict any existing or future contractual provision between Grands Bourgognes and the user. Grands Bourgognes declines all responsibility in case of delay in updating, error or omission as to the content of the present pages, as well as in case of interruption or permanent or temporary unavailability of the service. Even if Grands Bourgognes makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and veracity of the information contained in http://www.grandsbourgognes.com/, Grands Bourgognes cannot be held responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of this site. Grands Bourgognes reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the content of the present site, in particular by updating it.

Access to the site

The user of the site http://www.grandsbourgognes.com/ recognizes to have the competence and the necessary means to reach and use this site. The Grands Bourgognes Company cannot be held responsible for elements and events outside its control linked to the use of the site and their effects or for material and/or software incompatibilities and damages that could possibly result for the user's technical environment, in particular for his computers, software, network equipment and any other material used to access or use the service and/or the information. It is reminded that the fact of accessing or remaining fraudulently in a computer system, of hindering or distorting the functioning, of introducing or modifying fraudulently data of such a system constitutes an offence liable to penal sanctions.

Liens Hypertextes

The site http://www.grandsbourgognes.com/ authorizes the establishment of a hyperlink to its content, subject however: - to the express, prior and written permission of the director of the publication of the site, - not to use the technique of deep linking, that is to say that the pages of the site http://www.grandsbourgognes.com/ should not be nested within the pages of another site, but accessible by opening a dedicated window, - to mention the source which will point through a hyperlink directly to the content in question. Any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded except as provided.

This authorization does not apply to Internet sites diffusing information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a large extent, offend the sensibilities of the majority of people. The sites external to the Grands Bourgognes company having a hypertext link with the present site are not under the control of the Grands Bourgognes company which declines consequently any responsibility as for their contents. The user is the only one responsible for their use. Grands Bourgognes expressly reserves the right to oppose the establishment of a hypertext link.

Information collected on the site - Right of access to your personal data.

All the data collected on this site, by any means, are for the reserved use of the company Grands Bourgognes. In accordance with the article 34 of the law 78-17 Informatique et Libertés of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, modification, correction and suppression of the data concerning you. To exercise this right, contact us by e-mail at : info@grandsbourgognes.com Or by mail at : ZA LE SAULE 21220 BROCHON


The information collected on this site through the forms is subject to a data-processing treatment intended for the development of a commercial proposal. The recipient of the data is: Grands Bourgognes In accordance with the French law on Information Technology and Freedom of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain information about you, please contact us at the above address.

Information collected

Grands Bourgognes may ask you for personal information, some of which are compulsory because they are necessary to process your orders, others being optional. We can collect the following information : - Your name; - Your contact information, including your e-mail address; - Your demographic information, such as your zip code, preferences and interests; - Other information relevant to offers and/or customer surveys. For more information about the cookies we collect, please see the "List of Cookies Collected" section.

Use of the information collected

The information, which is not mandatory, is collected in order to better satisfy you, to target your needs and to offer you a better service, notably for the following reasons: - We may occasionally send you promotional e-mails about new products, special offers or other information that may be of interest to you, using the e-mail address you have provided; - We may occasionally use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by e-mail, telephone, fax or mail. We may also use this information to customize the website according to your interests. In accordance with the article 27 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6th, 1978, the information essential to the Grands Bourgognes company and its suppliers, to treat and carry out your orders, are indicated by an asterisk.

Transmission of your data

The information that you communicate to us during your order can be transmitted to our suppliers for the treatment of this one. This information will be considered by Grands Bourgognes and its suppliers as strictly confidential.


We are committed to keeping your information secure. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of your data, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Secure payment

For your financial transactions, the site http://www.grandsbourgognes.com/ uses an external payment solution. With this system, your payment by credit card is made directly on the secure server of the online bank. At no time, your credit card number will be communicated to the Grands Bourgognes company. When you proceed to the payment of your purchases by credit card, the data you enter on the order form are encrypted during their transmission. This encryption allows us to guarantee a total security.

Online booking

The general terms and conditions of sale and cancellation related to the online reservation or reservation request are precisely indicated in the relevant forms. You can request a copy of the terms and conditions at the above address. The online booking solutions require that you check the box "acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale" before any purchase. Tourist taxes, if any, will be specified on the establishment's invoice. They are not included in the amounts indicated at the time of booking. The fixing of these taxes is independent of the will of the company Grands Bourgognes.


A cookie is a small computer file that requires your permission before it is placed on your computer's hard drive. If you agree, the file is added and the cookie is used to analyze Internet traffic or to determine whether you are visiting a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to identify you as an individual. The web application then tailors its operation to your needs, likes and dislikes, by collecting and remembering certain information about your preferences. We use traffic cookies to identify which pages are visited. This allows us to analyze data about web page traffic and to improve our website to meet customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes. The data is then deleted from the system. In general, cookies help us provide you with a better site by allowing us to discern which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie never gives us access to your computer or any information about you other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies. However, this will prevent you from taking full advantage of the site.

Links to other sites

Our website may contain links to other sites of interest. However, when you use these links and leave our site, you should be aware that we have no control over these third-party sites. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide while visiting other sites, as they are not governed by this Privacy Policy. We therefore advise you to exercise caution and to read the privacy policy of the sites you are visiting via these links.

List of collected cookies (PRESTASHOP list)

Le tableau ci-dessous dresse la liste des cookies que nous collectons et les informations qu'ils contiennent.

Name of the cookieCookie description
DATE_ADDThe date and time the cookie was created (in the format Year-Month-Day Hours:Minutes:Seconds).
ID_LANGThe ID of the selected language.
ID_CURRENCYThe ID of the selected currency.
LAST_VISITED_CATEGORYThe ID of the last category in the product list visited.
AJAX_BLOCKCART_DISPLAYIndicates whether the basket information is displayed
VIEWEDThe list of IDs of recently viewed products separated by a comma.
ID_WISHLISTThe ID of the current list displayed in the Wish List block.
CHECKEDTOSIndicates if the Service Conditions box has been checked (1 if checked and 0 if not checked).
ID_GUESTThe ID of the offline visitor.
ID_CONNECTIONSThe connection ID of the visitor's current session.
ID_CUSTOMERThe client ID of the connected visitor.
CUSTOMER_LASTNAMEThe last name of the client.
CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAMEThe client's first name.
LOGGEDIndicates if the client is connected.
PASSWDThe MD5 hashcode of _COOKIE_KEY_ in config/settings.inc.php and the client password used to connect.
EMAILThe e-mail address used by the client to connect.
ID_CARTThe ID of the current cart displayed in the Cart block.
CHECKSUMThe Blowfish checksum is used to determine if the cookie has been modified by a third party and the client will be disconnected and the cookie deleted if the checksum does not match.