FAV 2024 : 20%* discount on the whole site
 Discover our exceptional range of wines and enjoy exclusive discounts on our selection of Bourgogne rouge millésimé 2021, and others... Don't miss our special offers and let yourself be seduced by new opportunities, but act fast because our stocks are running out fast!
Discover our prestigious range of spirits, carefully selected for their quality and uniqueness. From subtle aromas to intense flavors, Our products are perfect for the amateur as well as the expert. Allow yourself to a tasting experience you will never forget!
Find the perfect gift for your wine-loving loved ones with our gift cards! Give them the choice among our selection of wines. Give the pleasure of tasting exceptional wines, the perfect gift for any special occasion.
 Discover our exceptional range of wines and enjoy exclusive discounts on our selection of Bourgogne rouge millésimé 2021, and others... Don't miss our special offers and let yourself be seduced by new opportunities, but act fast because our stocks are running out fast!
Discover our prestigious range of spirits, carefully selected for their quality and uniqueness. From subtle aromas to intense flavors, Our products are perfect for the amateur as well as the expert. Allow yourself to a tasting experience you will never forget!
Find the perfect gift for your wine-loving loved ones with our gift cards! Give them the choice among our selection of wines. Give the pleasure of tasting exceptional wines, the perfect gift for any special occasion.

Club Premium benefits

Previews at major estates
Exclusivity on rare wines
Exclusive flash sales
Personalized weekly newsletters
A dedicated wine merchant for advice and support
Loyalty points 1€ = 1 point
Grouping of orders possible
Tastings and private parties

Access conditions are as follows:

  • Paid annual access
  • Offer reserved for individuals
  • Limited number of people
  • Entry subject to acceptance